Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 13

I finally went out and got a new bathroom scale: a Taylor 7023 with a lithium battery. I’ve gone digital! I figured that if I am going to measure my weight loss every week, I might as well be as accurate as I can be. My only problem is that I don’t know if the scales are calibrated the same. Like two violins that are in tune to themselves, it doesn’t mean that they will be in tune to each other. I guess all I can do is presume that they are the same and go on from there.
One of the things about digital scales is that they read out in tenths of pounds. That sounds natural until you realize that the British (or American or Imperial) pound is made up of 16 ounces and is not easily divisible by 10. Have you ever heard of a newborn baby weighing 7.3 pounds? Of course not!
Do you remember when you were in school and the teachers confidently told us that by the time we were adults, American roads would be measured in kilometers and gasoline in liters? The metric system was just around the corner! Years later and nothing has changed. Nothing, that is, except for bathroom scales where Taylor has apparently invented the metric pound. Who would have guessed?

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